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More success through specific innovative solutions

The success of medium-sized companies increasingly depends on customized business analytics and performance management solutions.

Next Vision GmbH offers advanced predictive and prescriptive analytics that create real added value through the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Discover our innovative solutions designed specifically for your organization and gain a competitive advantage.

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is THE platform for analytics & business intelligence in the midmarket...

IBCS with Zebra BI

Create stunning reports and dashboards with a powerful visualization tool...

AI Assistant for Business Solutions

The Next Vision AI Assistant enhances our customers' existing business applications with innovative AI functions...

AI solution with IBM

IBM offers medium-sized companies a comprehensive AI platform for optimizing business processes ...

AI solution with Microsoft

Experience the power of machine learning directly in your SQL Server...

Use Case- Machine Learning

AI environment that also benefits SMEs...

Digital Boardroom

Present real-time data and secure competitive advantages with the Digital Boardroom...

Are you ready to find the best solution for your business?